Keep it Simple: Don’t over complicate the solution. Create a do-able, executable plan that can be understood by everyone.
Keep it Simple: Don’t over complicate the solution. Create a do-able, executable plan that can be understood by everyone.
Excelerant is so proud to share that our Managing Partner, Phyllis Arceneaux, has been acknowledged as one of the 2019 Most Interesting People. Original article published 1/21/2019, Shanna P. Dickens, Acadiana Lifestyle: Phyllis Arceneaux Bringing Joy To Business The term often used to describe Phyllis Arceneaux is “serial entrepreneur.” Growing up, if Arceneaux wantedRead more
The Future: Imagine you are reading about your company in a future issue of Forbes or an important industry magazine. What does the future article say about your business operations, your products and services, your financials? What does this future article praise about your Executive Leadership? How do your employees describe your senior leadership teamRead more
The ideal gas law is often written as PV = nRT It has to do with things like molecules and Pressure, Volume, and Temperature. For football fans, it is has become a possible explanation for “Deflate Gate.” Why am I telling you this? Last week, one of my exceptional coaching clients, a leader who isRead more
Through our experience of working with proactive, innovative companies, we have noticed that the exceptional executives are the ones who are paying attention to and developing the leaders throughout their company. Here at Excelerant, we have come to 4 main conclusions when it comes to developing a company’s current and next generation of leadership. Click belowRead more
Company culture is top-of-mind for high-growth companies. A solid culture is present when everyone is making all decisions based on a set of core values. Core values define what is truly important to an organization. See this Excelerant post to learn more about 5 easy steps to developing a solid culture. Read more… Excelerant isRead more
Are you considering coaching but not sure if it’s right for you? Any high potential leader or high-performer who has the desire to learn and grow would benefit from coaching. Coaching is regarded as a badge of honor and can provide an opportunity to explore challenges and solutions in work relationships and other business matters. Coaching is rightRead more
An Interview with Phyllis Arceneaux, What is the difference between someone who is respected as a leader versus someone who may hold the title but garner little respect? Generally when people talk about someone who is a great leader, they describe them as being decisive, trustworthy, powerful, courageous, authentic, compassionate, and collaborative. The successful leaderRead more
Excelerant is an award-winning leadership development and human resources consulting company based in Lafayette, Louisiana. Using a unique approach, Excelerant combines expertise in training, coaching, human resources, and facilitation to solve problems with practical, executable solutions that deliver high-impact, sustainable results.