The ideal gas law is often written as PV = nRT
It has to do with things like molecules and Pressure, Volume, and Temperature. For football fans, it is has become a possible explanation for “Deflate Gate.”
Why am I telling you this? Last week, one of my exceptional coaching clients, a leader who is also an engineer, shared the ideal gas law with me as a leadership lesson. What? His explanation to this science layman was that “gas expands to the amount of space it has.” He was making the analogy that our leadership capabilities expand as we open our mind to more ideas.
He referred to his leadership development journey as “the ooey gooey squishy stuff,” which I first thought he meant in a negative way.
That was until he explained that the more his mind became open to developing his leadership skills (ooey gooey stuff like emotional intelligence, communication and relationship building), the more he increased his capacity to get things done and be successful as a leader.
I applaud this unique application of PV-nRT ! What are some of your favorite leadership analogies?
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