For those employers who simply want to stay up-to-date on recruitment tactics.
For those employers who simply want to stay up-to-date on recruitment tactics.
The Future: Imagine you are reading about your company in a future issue of Forbes or an important industry magazine. What does the future article say about your business operations, your products and services, your financials? What does this future article praise about your Executive Leadership? How do your employees describe your senior leadership teamRead more
CEOs know that one of their primary responsibilities is to spend time on a regular basis on the big picture. When we set aside time to “meet with ourselves,” this thinking time is often hijacked by day-to-day operations and fires. Even when we do have that time, it is often difficult to brainstorm and think “outsideRead more
Excelerant is an award-winning leadership development and human resources consulting company based in Lafayette, Louisiana. Using a unique approach, Excelerant combines expertise in training, coaching, human resources, and facilitation to solve problems with practical, executable solutions that deliver high-impact, sustainable results.